If you give Quick Label to anyone or upload it to a Local BBS or information service (and I encourage you to do so), please include this application along with it so that everyone will receive Quick Label with documentation. Thanks.
About Quick Label
Quick Label is a handy Desk Accessory which allows you to print standard mailing labels out quickly and conveniently.
It was created to allow Macintosh user’s to print out mailing labels without any fuss, and without leaving their current application. With it, you can print hundreds of labels out in a flash or print them in high quality when looks count.
Using Quick Label
To use the Quick Label Desk Accessory, you first need to install it in your System file on the disks you will be using it. Use the Font/DA Mover to accomplish this—see your Macintosh owner’s manual for more information on installing Desk Accessories with the Font/DA Mover.
When you would like to use Quick Label, simply choose its name from the Apple menu of the application you are using. A draggable window will appear with four fields for entering the text of the label and two buttons at the bottom labeled Print and Clear.
Type the text of the label in the four designated fields—the NAME field is the place to enter the person’s name, the COMPANY is the place to enter the company at which the person works (N.B. if this field is left blank, it will simply not be printed, so you won’t have a gap between the person’s name and address), and the ADDRESS fields are two lines for entering the person’s address. You may cut and paste freely to and from these fields and your application, using either the EDIT menu commands or the Command–key shortcuts. Use the Tab key or the mouse to move from field to field.
If you would like the fields to be quickly cleared so that you can enter another label, click on the Clear button, or just type over the information you already entered.
When you are ready to print out your label, click on the Print button. A dialog box will appear which allows you to choose the number of copies of your label to print, and the quality to print it in. If you own an ImageWriter II, you can use the fonts built into your printer and use the Best and Faster qualities for superior quality. If you own an ImageWriter I or a LaserWriter printer, you should always print the labels out in Draft quality.
Quick Label is being distributed on the ShareWare system. This entitles you to review Quick Label before paying for it; try it out and see if you feel it is a worthy addition to your software library. If you choose to keep Quick Label you are on your honor to send in the $5 registration fee and become a registered user. Otherwise you must destroy all of your copies of Quick Label (or better yet, give them to your friends). You are at a real advantage in that you can use Quick Label before you decide if you want to purchase it—please don’t take advantage of that privilege. Considerable time was spent developing and perfecting Quick Label and sending in your registration fee will insure the development of many more high–quality, inexpensive programs.
Thank you to everyone who supports the Utopian concept of ShareWare. You do make a difference.
My special thanks go to all the users of M-BBS, for giving bug reports and suggestions which made Quick Label what it is. Thanks guys.